Elzire's Favorite Music
maintained by Roy Jones, music@hennapage.com
"Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened.
Don't open the door to the study and begin reading.
Take down a musical instrument."

Jalal al-Din Rumi

what music would you like today?

From the Sky
Ryan Farish
If you are depressed, or sad, you'll immediately be transported to happiness. Fav song is Living Water. Has the power to totally turn your day to a sunny day, wind in your hair on a mountain top

The Essence
Deva Premal
Totally relaxing. Though this is an older cd, I think it's her best.

Wings of a Film
Something for everyone, great orchestra, great musicians.

Editor's note: For those of you not familiar with the name, Hans Zimmer is one of the leading film composers and the creator of the scores for many popular films, including: "Gladiator," "Rain Man," and "The Last Samurai."

Bach: Six Unaccompanied 'Cello Suites
Yo-Yo Ma
If you just want to concentrate on that difficult piece, gets you in that "groove"

Mantra - Words of Power
Steinar Lund
Drift awaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy...with energy

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