Willowhawk's Favorite Music
Willowhawk's Henna Website: Magical Mehendi

The Henna Page Music Page is maintained by
Roy Jones, music@hennapage.com
"Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened.
Don't open the door to the study and begin reading.
Take down a musical instrument."

Jalal al-Din Rumi

what music would you like today?

Brian Keane & Omar Faruk Tekbilek "Suleyman The Magnificent: Original Soundtrack"
Never saw this movie, but the soundtrack is amazing. It ranges the spectrum from haunting flutes to 'make ya get up and shimmy' music. I am on my third copy of this cd so that should be some indication of how much I like it.

The Karnataka College Of Percussion "River Yamuna"
The song 'Ghatam Quartet' continues to blow my mind everytime I hear it...that's CLAY POTS they are playing! Smacking the sides of different sized clay pots and this sounds wonderful (I can only imagine the callouses on their hands). The song 'Konnakkol' makes a few of my friends laugh but I am only reminded of the discipline and skill it takes to 'sing' such a song.

Krishna Das "Breath of the Heart"
I don't know that I can find the adequate words to describe this man and his talents. His deep voice is soothing yet powerful and he just takes you on a journey. He has an amazing grasp on 'what' music can do to a person and 'how' to make that happen. The best example is 'Kainchi Hare Krishna' which is 15 minutes long! Yes FIFTEEN minutes! But in that 15 minutes you are taken to a whole new world within. If you have a peccadillo about the words 'hare krishna' and the repeated chanting, then just listen to the music. As my friend said, after listening to this, "you can't NOT be happy while listening to this"

Krishna Das "Door of Faith"
More brilliance from Krishna. 'God is Real/Hare Ram' brings a joyful tear to my eye and again is an interesting mix of East meets West.

Devdas Soundtrack
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is better than starting the day off with 'Dola Re Dola'! This gets you up and dancing, or gets you be-bopping in your seat. There are so many good songs on this CD.

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