Zahra's Favorite Music
maintained by Roy Jones,
"Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened.
Don't open the door to the study and begin reading.
Take down a musical instrument."

Jalal al-Din Rumi

what music would you like today?

Joe Hisaishi "Princess Mononoke" (movie soundtrack)
From soothing symphonies to strong Japanese demon drums every emotion is portrayed in this haunting soundtrack. Great background music!

Hans Zimmer "Gladiator" (movie soundtrack)
A selection of music that takes me back to times of old when all was wild and new with a bit of an middle eastern flair that gets me into the mood to do henna. The beautiful voices convey such emotion, it’s a musical journey from Maxumus’ days of glory to his battles in the arena to his end. This is one of my favorites.

Led Zeppelin "The Song Remains the Same"
One from my teenage years, folksy rock like "The Rain Song" takes me way back. "The song remains the same" a hip and hopping rock and roll tune. The song "no quarter" delves into darkness. Relaxing and inspirational.

The Moody Blues "Days of Future Passed"
Lovely soothing music adds to the relaxing atmosphere of doing henna. Symphony orchestra along with Folksy rock ending with the great turn "Nights in white satin", a true classic.

Uriah Heep "The Magicians Birthday"
Heavy Psychedelic rock opera filled with melodic voices and excellent guitar work, this CD rocks hard! Another oldie but a goody!

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