Re: F_____CK NO some Black henna NOT safe? Response to this
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Posted by Hadie on July 28, 1999 at 18:50:01:
Hi Matt, I wanted to respond to your post that's a little further down on this page about black henna/Bigen Hair dye. I couldn't agree more, Let's stop this sh--. To all of you that are selling Bigen as black henna, have a little integrity and stop being so greedy. If you use it, you know how dangerous it is, and you know your selling it for way too much. I'm sure you've had people come back to you and show you the results of THE REACTION more than once. In addition to all the posts on this page about personal experiences with "black henna". It's just not right. I used it until I saw what it did. I refuse to use it now. I sleep much better at night. And the funny thing is, I thought it would ruin my business completly, but it's had the opposite effect. My numbers are up 30% from last year when I was using the black. To those of you that still insist on using the black, don't buy it from the people selling it on the net @ $30.00 and $40.00 per kit. Let's not encourage them. I Live in Southern California and go to Venice Beach once in a while. There must be 25 to 40 people doing black henna and there's only one person that does not. For that one woman who refuses to use it, on Venice Beach I admire your integrity. (and your work is beautiful) If we all stopped on the same day and refused to give it to the public, trust me they would still get a henna. And everyone would be back on the same playing feild again. Relying on artistic ability, presentation, and marketing. Finally someone said it. It's bigen hair dye. And it's bad. Some people have a reaction to it and some don't. Do you really want to take the chance? Legally or morally?