Re: did i get ripped off or not?
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Posted by Hadie on August 03, 1999 at 05:53:16:
In Reply to: did i get ripped off or not? posted by Miss Monica on August 02, 1999 at 18:40:35:
Did you split the cost of the booth? Did you have any of your own equiptment ie..chairs, tent..ect..? If you did, then you should have pooled the money, payed 15% to the assistant,(less the cost of the booth)put the booth money back in and split THAT total in half. Just my opinion. I was offered a deal like that and wouldn't accept it. They wanted me to pay for half the booth (they had one of the larger ones) AND give them 30%. I called vendor info on that fair and found it would be cheaper to rent my own smaller booth and I wouldn't have to pay anyone 30%. And there were plenty available. What were they thinking!! One of the great things about doing henna is that you are your own boss. You should find your own fairs to do, and take your sister with you to be your assistant. Pay her a chunk (like 15%) and keep the rest. I personally prefer to work my own fairs. It's a good to go do your own stuff anyways.