Re: Recipe Shmesipe
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Posted by Anon on September 02, 1999 at 03:58:20:
In Reply to: Recipe Shmesipe posted by Rupal on September 01, 1999 at 16:57:27:
: a refrigerator, a bathroom sink, and the inflatable coffee table. Inflatable?? : table. I managed to boil my tea and add my cloves etc., but I have : been considering just reducing my recipe to water, tamarind paste, : eucalyptus oil, and lemon juice (+ henna of course!), provided that As usual, others have the chemistry and side-by-side tests, but if you like your paste to have the kind of texture that allows you to pull thin threads, then I boiling the tea leaves with fenugreek seeds worked rather well for me. (I love the smell, anyway. I know okra is another way to achieve this, but it's too yucky for me.) The one time I did it up thoroughly, I tossed in the lemon rinds and cloves, and got a wonderful scent and texture. I had to cool it off and then I dumped it into an old stocking to strain (squeeze), so I don't know about the hot tea issue. I think eucalyptus and cloves are both mordants (help bind the dye) - someone please let me know if you know better! I suspect that most of the brown/red ingredients (coffee, tea) are to make the initial stain look more brown than orange, so that by the time they wear off, the henna has oxidized to a darker color. In other words, sales pitches or impatience. Anyone know for sure? I, too, like to know the function of ingredients and an idea of whether a little works or you need a lot for any effect.