Recipe Shmesipe
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Posted by Rupal on September 01, 1999 at 16:57:27:
Okay, now is a specific mehndi recipe really necessary to get good results? We've seen Jeremy's comparison test photo (I'm pretty sure he has a link to it somewhere from these pages!) and noticed how similar all of his results were, and as a college student, I found it incredibly difficult to prepare mehndi, my kitchen consisting of a microwave, a refrigerator, a bathroom sink, and the inflatable coffee table. I managed to boil my tea and add my cloves etc., but I have been considering just reducing my recipe to water, tamarind paste, eucalyptus oil, and lemon juice (+ henna of course!), provided that I am using fresh henna. Any thoughts on this? Also, how many of you use specifically HOT tea in your henna mix? I did this for awhile but got grainy paste and eventually decided to let the liquid cool down to a warm-lukewarm before adding it to the henna. My results didn't change as far as I knew, and my paste tended to last longer. ~Rupal