Lovely color, smeared design
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Posted by Anna Beltestaad on September 08, 1999 at 19:08:12:
Hey all, Last week I hennaed both my hands front and back (yes i am one of the seemingly lucky ones who can do the right hand, it's really not that hard). I hennaed and wrapped both of them within a day of each other. My left palm design came out mostly black, i kid you not, i have never seen such dark color ever from henna! The right is pretty dark too, but i washed it 20 hours after application, so it's not as stunning. I wrapped it overnight in my usual: lemonsugar, cotton balls, tp, ace bandage. What happened, I think, was the ace bandage caused my palm to fold inwards, creating smears where my hand creases. Has anyone else had this type of problem, and if so, what did you do to remedy it? I love the color but the smear is embarrassing. Peace, Anna