Re: Lovely color, smeared design
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on September 08, 1999 at 20:33:34:
In Reply to: Lovely color, smeared design posted by Anna Beltestaad on September 08, 1999 at 19:08:12:
:yes i am one of the seemingly lucky ones who can do the right hand, I can do that, too! It's taken some time to learn how -- but cones are easy to handle, even left-handed, esp if I brace my elbow against a hard surface like the table. Sometimes I have to brace my wrist as well. It's not as fast as using my right hand, but sometimes the designs are better -- probably because it takes more time so I think more about them... I've never had that dark a color on my hands. Oooh, aahh. Sorry it smeared. Try scrubbing with antibacterial soaps, or swimming (both for the chlorine bleaching action and the exfoliation you get when waterlogged) and then scrubbing. AHA creams bleach slightly and encourage exfoliation. But with that deep a color it;s probably pretty deep into your skin. My palm designs never get really dark (probably since I swim a lot), but they fade to a pale orange and hang on for weeks and weeks. Even after four weeks of daily swimming, I have pale shadows of former palm designs...