Where have there been hennaed hands and when?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 17, 1999 at 17:26:04:
Here's a list of places and times I've found reasonable verification of the use of henna being used as an ornamentation of women's hands.... for celebrations and luck, during some period between 2500 BCE and 1900 AD. (I'm not including hair use of henna, and I'm not including the immigration patterns of henna since the 1960's which is a whole other story) These dates are approximate, but all are supported by literary or artifact evidence, direct or indirect. If you want the bibliography, email me. Syria 2100 BCE to present Israel 1700 BCE to present Palestine 1700 BCE to present Jordan 1700 BCE through Ottoman Empire Lebanon1700 BCE through Ottoman Empire Turkey 1700 BCE to present Crete 1700 BCE to 900 BCE, and when under Moorish influence Cyprus 1700 BCE to present, when under Moorish influence Greece 1700 BCE to 1400 BCE, occasionally under Moorish or Turkish inluence Morocco 1700 BCE to present Western Sahara 1700 BCE to present Algeria 1700 BCE to present Libya 1700 BCE to present Tunisia 1700 BCE to present Mali 1500 BCE to present Egypt 1500 BCE to present Sudan 1400 BCE to present Somalia ? to present Iraq 1300 BCE to present Yemen 1200 BCE to present United Arab Emirits 1200 BCE to present Kuwait 1200 BCE to present Iran 300 BCE to present Turkistan 300 AD to present Oman 300 BCE to present Italy 30 BCE, and occasionally through Moorish influence Pakistan 100 AD to present India 100 AD to present Nepal 600 AD to present Tibet 900 to 1300 AD Sri Lanka 700 AD to present Ethiopia 800 AD both Muslim and Christian communities Armenia 900 AD to present, both Muslim and Christian communities Azerbaijan 900 AD to present Sicily 1000-1200 AD Spain 900 AD to 1560 AD Portugal 900 to 1550 AD Bosnia during Ottoman Empire and under Moorish influence South Africa 1800 to present, Indian population Gypsy populations (dispersed) used henna when in Islamic or Hindu countries 1100 AD to present
- BCE? Becky M. 16:24:04 9/25/99
- Re: BCE? Catherine Cartwright JOnes 02:39:02 9/26/99
- Re: BCE? Dr. Livio Bonollo 22:59:20 8/05/00
- Re: BCE? DVL 12:43:29 6/20/00
- Re: BCE? Dominic Leuci 12:34:55 6/20/00
- Re: BCE? Maria 01:58:34 9/26/99