the young and the restless
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 24, 1999 at 17:47:14:
In Reply to: Re: New Skin posted by Roxanne on September 24, 1999 at 17:28:26:
I tried the facial mask to seal down henna on a group of 8 students ... some of them really had a lot of trouble with the masks going into wads, lifting off at the edges, and I've seen the same sort of difficulties with liquid latex. It's not the fault of the latex or the mask (which really do work wonderfully, and are ideal for many hennaes!) ...there's just a lot of people who really can't get the hang of keeping their henna nice and untouched for the duration! People who are young, restless or generally don't keep track of what their body is doing have the worst problems. (I.E. they swat at a bug, jump into a bath, put on their shoes and go jogging....one decided to go straight to the gym and work out after being hennaed and masked) I really don't know how to impress upon people enough that the henna has to stay in place, and they have to participate in keeping it there! That's a tough one, because if they have a henna disaster because they didn't take good care of the pattern, they will usually blame henna, or blame me for a bad job... That's one of the reasons I stick to NS...it's damn near indestructible.