Re: BLACK HENNA is fine to use
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Posted by blackhenna.net on September 30, 1999 at 17:35:02:
In Reply to: BLACK HENNA is fine to use posted by Canadian Boy on September 30, 1999 at 07:13:54:

:thancks at last you are a professionnal for black henna. www.blackhenna.net I know all will object to this, but if used properly and with care, : black henna is a lot of fun and looks much better then brown or : natural. I am not saying that it is 100% safe, however, if you follow : some easy rules, most incidents can be avoided. : 1. Dont leave the henna for longer then 2 hours. : 2. Let the henna sit an hour befor applying it to see if its too : thick, if yes then add more water. If it is to concentrated then it : will leave a rash. : 3. Ask the person what kind of skin they have. If they say that it : is very sensative, or it is very dry, suggest not to use it, or tell : them to put moisturizer with allo. That should solve it. : There is a lot of money to be made with black henna, and it looks much : better. You will probably disagree with me, but I am intitled to my : own opinion like everyone else.
: Thank You : DM