BLACK HENNA is fine to use
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Posted by Canadian Boy on September 30, 1999 at 07:13:54:
I know all will object to this, but if used properly and with care, black henna is a lot of fun and looks much better then brown or natural. I am not saying that it is 100% safe, however, if you follow some easy rules, most incidents can be avoided. 1. Dont leave the henna for longer then 2 hours. 2. Let the henna sit an hour befor applying it to see if its too thick, if yes then add more water. If it is to concentrated then it will leave a rash. 3. Ask the person what kind of skin they have. If they say that it is very sensative, or it is very dry, suggest not to use it, or tell them to put moisturizer with allo. That should solve it. There is a lot of money to be made with black henna, and it looks much better. You will probably disagree with me, but I am intitled to my own opinion like everyone else. Thank You DM