Re: BLACK HENNA /faux colour rant, sorta
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Posted by Anne on September 30, 1999 at 13:31:23:
In Reply to: BLACK HENNA is fine to use posted by Canadian Boy on September 30, 1999 at 07:13:54:
Hej, In addition to what Catherine said on this subject . . . I don't understand the obsession with getting a black/very dark colour with henna. My finger tips and toes can get very dark with Castle Art Henna, but when it starts to fade, well, my friend described it as looking like I had a nasty bruise. Who wants that on her hand? Our latest black henna poster is entitled to his opinion on what colour looks best, but I find nothing wrong with brown (or red, if you can get the Iranian henna Catherine mentioned some posts back) - especially since *that's the colour it's supposed to be.* There's something to be said for the subtleness of brown, and I get more compliments on my mehndi when it's that colour than I do when my fingertips are in the "nasty bruise" shade of fading black. (And even before it starts to fade, it looks very severe - but I have pretty fair skin.) I wonder if our latest black henna poster has taken a look at the warning page or reviewed the black henna posts of the past month or so . . . Best, Anne, who doesn't understand what makes one colour of something more fun than another . . . : I know all will object to this, but if used properly and with care, : black henna is a lot of fun and looks much better then brown or : natural. (snip) : There is a lot of money to be made with black henna, and it looks much : better