just enjoying myself
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 06, 1999 at 16:36:48:
In Reply to: CCJ - The Magnanimous :-) posted by Jewel on October 06, 1999 at 05:02:37:
A Moroccan proverb says that an old woman is at the gates of hell, (whereas a man is at the gates of heaven) ... (us ladies being so polluted and all) so I'm trying to convince the management of hell (I'm surely as polluted as any) with all this to let me set up a nice little henna shop there where the people are all so toasty warm. I'll use the forum as a resume'. Think they'll let me? I'll call it "Lillith's" . I think she used to wear henna. Maybe I'll get to meet her! : ) Thank you for the kindness...it is my pleasure, really!