CCJ - The Magnanimous :-)
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Posted by Jewel on October 06, 1999 at 05:02:37:
I've heard of carrot bags but I can't find those here (people gave me funny looks when I asked them *shrug*). I'd love to try those as the plastic bottles I have gave me quite a bit of hand fatigue :-(. It is also almost impossible to find Jacquard bottles here. I'd like to own one (for obvious reasons) ... and I wonder if anybody could be so kind as to get one for me. I'd pay of course .... and I'll give some wonderful Meccan henna too :-) - for your kindness !! Why I can't roll my own plastic cones ? I'm an absolutely dummy at that. ALWAYS can't get it to work ... :-P For CCJ ... ... you must find great pleasure in generously giving all of us here a WHOLE LOT of info about henna (and LOADS of other goodies !!). I am truly awed by your dedication to henna and all your lavish offerings to us !! Somehow I don't feel shameless when I shamelessly ask for your patterns and whatever you had to offer. You made me feel that way, and I greatly appreciate that. What would this forum be without you ?? I dare not imagine !! ... Once again, thank you for your remarkable exhaustive research on this wonderful ancient art and your selfless generosity. ~May Allah bless you~ Peace ... ~Jewel~