henna workbasket
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Posted by Anon on October 07, 1999 at 19:56:16:
In Reply to: college henna posted by Rosie on October 07, 1999 at 16:52:52:
: Also I live off-campus and take the bus. Carting henna around is kind : of weird. I've been trying to figure out an ergonomic design for a henna workbasket - perhaps "workbucket" is more accurate in my case. (I'm using a well-cleaned rectangular bucket that once held kitty litter -- with the flat cover on, it makes a nice little table or stool.) So far, I've just shoved everything inside, but am thinking I should make dividers for the lower part (so the bulky things like paper and cotton balls can have sufficient reserves), and a removable tray for the top, for immediate stores (a few cotton balls, toothpicks, a pincushion, etc.). Sure, maybe a fishing-tackle box would work, but I haven't seen any cheap enough and still workable. What qualities do y'all have in whatever you use as storage, portable workspace, or a travel kit?