Re: henna workbasket
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Posted by Shel on October 08, 1999 at 05:16:49:
In Reply to: henna workbasket posted by Anon on October 07, 1999 at 19:56:16:
: : Also I live off-campus and take the bus. Carting henna around is : kind : : of weird. : I've been trying to figure out an ergonomic design for a henna : workbasket - perhaps "workbucket" is more accurate in my case. (I'm : using a well-cleaned rectangular bucket that once held kitty litter -- : with the flat cover on, it makes a nice little table or stool.) So : far, I've just shoved everything inside, but am thinking I should make : dividers for the lower part (so the bulky things like paper and cotton : balls can have sufficient reserves), and a removable tray for the top, : for immediate stores (a few cotton balls, toothpicks, a pincushion, : etc.). Sure, maybe a fishing-tackle box would work, but I haven't : seen any cheap enough and still workable. : What qualities do y'all have in whatever you use as storage, : portable workspace, or a travel kit? My husband uses a tackle box setup for storing and transporting chainmail and his supplies (lots of little links and such). If I needed something for henna transport I would certainly look for something like his setup. The box has two halves, one smaller with adjustible compartments, great for small items. The other half is larger, same adjustable compartments, great for things like wrap suppies ect. You can cover the outside by gluing fabric to the surface to make it more visually appealing. Hope this helps!