Re: shades [two-toned design]
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Posted by Anon on October 12, 1999 at 02:41:53:
In Reply to: shades of colours (not a coloured henna question) posted by Anne on October 11, 1999 at 15:40:37:
: [...] I think I'm : going to try a design using both brands - trying to get the colour : differences to compliment each other, I guess. I was wondering if : anyone else has ever tried something like this. Yes, though mostly through multiple applications. (Such as going over just some lines with a fresh batch of henna after discovering that the first batch was wimpy, or filling in parts of a design with a weaker color.) If you can get one that's more brown and one that's more red or orange, it can look pretty good while the lighter color lasts. But beware - when I tried subtle shading or failed to get the lighter lines to be clear and distinct, it just looked like I messed up. One thing that did work fairly well was celtic knotwork -- filling in one of a pair of strands with a light color. (It took some experimenting to get it right, though.)