Re: Henna Hands on Demo
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Posted by Anne on October 15, 1999 at 20:59:54:
In Reply to: Henna Hands on Demo posted by Sonia on October 15, 1999 at 18:19:29:
Hej Sonia, Are all the members going to be present? If so, look into getting a few helpers to aide you during the demo. When I did my first demo (for a 4th grade class of about 23) I had one of the other interns helping me out - and I couldn't have done it without her. When I did a demo at the local library (for 17 middle school girls) I had two mothers helping me out - again, I couldn't have done it without them. If nothing else, they can free you up so you can circulate, answer questions - that sort of thing. At the workshops my friend did, no one really wanted to learn how to make a cone or mix the henna (which was too bad, since I had a little henna mixing/cone making area set up) - they just wanted to play with the henna paste. And at the middle school library demo, almost all of the girls wanted to use stencils, even if they did some freehand work also. (I had 25 stencils from Castle Art - only one was left at the end of my time.) It may not be authentic, but some people like them. At my friend's workshops, she charged $25/person, which included materials fee (all the henna she'd mixed up) and a sample of henna paste to take home. At the library, my sister (librarian there) advised me to ask for $100 for 2 hours (I was gonna ask for $75) plus the cost of supplies, and that's what I received. For your demo, is it possible to ask someone who's worked with this group before to give you an idea of what to ask? Best of luck! --Anne : I have been asked to do a Henna Demo and Hands on Activity with a : mothering group. There are about 50 members plus little ones. I : thought that I would use bottle liners for having them make the : cones, I have the henna and will get the other basics, and will use : peanut butter (smooth of course) for the little ones. I figured : frosting might me too much of a sweet thing. I thought that I would : give a very brief talk- don't want to bore the little ones and then : get busy. I would love to hear any suggestions you might have to make : this a success. I have no idea what to charge them. Can someone : please help me with this. I have a very hard time when it comes to : charging people (i know, I know I need to get over that, but it is : the way I have always been). I was thinking more on a per person : basis. I just don't know. : Thanks, : Sonia