Henna Hands on Demo
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Posted by Sonia on October 15, 1999 at 18:19:29:
Hello Friends, First of all thanks for all the suggestions for the Henna Baby Shower. We had alot of fun and the henna was flowing. I have been asked to do a Henna Demo and Hands on Activity with a mothering group. There are about 50 members plus little ones. I thought that I would use bottle liners for having them make the cones, I have the henna and will get the other basics, and will use peanut butter (smooth of course) for the little ones. I figured frosting might me too much of a sweet thing. I thought that I would give a very brief talk- don't want to bore the little ones and then get busy. I would love to hear any suggestions you might have to make this a success. I have no idea what to charge them. Can someone please help me with this. I have a very hard time when it comes to charging people (i know, I know I need to get over that, but it is the way I have always been). I was thinking more on a per person basis. I just don't know. Thanks, Sonia