Re: Henna Hands on Demo
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Posted by Anon on October 16, 1999 at 16:32:17:
In Reply to: Henna Hands on Demo posted by Sonia on October 15, 1999 at 18:19:29:
: I have no idea what to charge them. Can someone : please help me with this. I have a very hard time when it comes to : charging people (i know, I know I need to get over that, but it is : the way I have always been). I was thinking more on a per person : basis. I just don't know. If this is mostly volunteer, and the charging is to reimburse you plus-a-little (as opposed to doing it as a regular part of your business), then estimate what it costs (including travel), round up generously, and tell the group leaders your suggested reimbursement. Alternatively, divide by the number of people (include kids, because you're providing for them, too), and tell the group leaders your suggested per-adult-or-active-kid reimbursement. Or...ask for an advance to buy the materials. In any of these cases, you're putting it forward as reimbursing your outlay, not as "paying" a professional, and you're working with the group leader(s) or organizer(s), so it's a little easier on you. If you are doing this as a professional gig, ignore this advice - it doesn't apply!