Re: Hoping for the perfect mask...
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Posted by kenzi on October 18, 1999 at 03:45:20:
In Reply to: Hoping for the perfect mask... posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 17, 1999 at 23:09:00:
Your story reminds me to again ask, "why bother getting henna?" Nothing against people who are in a hurry, or this woman in particular, but maybe you shouldn't get henna if you can't meet the basic care requirements. I feel sometimes that clients have unreasonable expectations of henna. Mostly those expectations are for a black design because they have seen it that way elsewhere. I had one client who was disappointed that her design didn't come out black even though I told her it definitely wouldn't and showed her my brown designs on my hands. sigh! Those expectations go for after care as well. Many don't want to do what it takes. I give my clients a little flyer with after care instructions and tell them that they can ignore it if they don't want a dark design, or don't want it to last too long (like if they are going to see their parents). We do our best to instruct them and adjust to their plans for after the henna goes on, but what more can we do? I don't want to disappoint the client but I also can't change the nature of th