Hoping for the perfect mask...
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 17, 1999 at 23:09:00:
I did a gig last night wherein my henna latex mask failed .... any suggestions for the perfect solution to this problem? Here was the situation: I had to do a large complex henna around and just below bikini line, get it done, dried , sealed and ready to go home in a sports car in one hour flat ... and though the henna was done perfectly and sealed, it got folded (latex sticks to itself) and the henna was ruined. I used latex....it failed miserably. My usual TP/saran/tape wrap would have been hugely inconvenient. I've had poor results with the facial mask mixes. What would you use on an bikini part of the body which is apt to fold over, to secure the henna for overnight in Cleveland, in one hour max, with access to playtime required? NS itself won't go dark enough in this climate. Latex sticks to itself. The mask mixes I've tried aren't secure enough. Lemon Sugar is slow, and neither secure enough nor heat-encouraging enough. What would you do to get the best results if you had to do a below navel henna in one hour flat before the lady had to put her clothes back on, lept into the Miata and sped away into the night? Is it a hopeless case? (if you want the full story...it is hysterically funny, but not appropriate for open henna forum discussion; email me if you want the story. Don't have a cup of coffee near your keyboard when you open the email, I don't want to buy you a new keyboard. Assure me, when you request this, that you're 18, if not trudging into and past middle age. )