Re: tape rant
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Posted by Amy C on October 19, 1999 at 06:48:23:
In Reply to: Re: tape rant posted by Roxanne on October 19, 1999 at 06:02:17:
: I also use the 3m micropore tape, but I use the clear kind. The : paper type and the cloth type don't seem to work as well for me. : Can't explain why, but the clothy type gets gunky and gummy and the : paper type doesn't hold anything. I do think that this type of tape : has the lowest incidence of allergic reaction, so that's why I used : it. (I'm allergic to the adhesive in bandaids, so I always check : this kind of stuff out.) Yes, that's one reason we use it in the hospital (allergies). Hm, I have not seen the clear kind. That would probably also help decrease peeking. What does it feel like? Does it also breathe? And did you find it in a pharmacy? I agree the one I use is rather sticky, But this helps me peel off my paste with my tape. Of course, it's also what helped me peel off half my mother's foot too.