Re: tape rant
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Posted by Roxanne on October 19, 1999 at 17:33:22:
In Reply to: Re: tape rant posted by Amy C on October 19, 1999 at 06:48:23:
:What does it feel like? Does it also breathe? Did you find it in a pharmacy? It feels a little plastic-y, but with the micro perferations all over it. It's quite sheer. I could see the henna through it and only applied a single layer. My client said that it was easy to remove, but stayed on very nicely with no edges peeling up. It's an inch wide and part of the 3M Micropore line. I got it in the first aid section of my local pharmacy. They had 3 kinds: paper, clear or sheer (threw the package away, so I'm not sure!) and cloth. The clear seemed be the most flexible. The only thing that I've found not to be true from the label is that it's supposed to tear easily. It just streches for me, so I have to cut it. It's not a big deal though. I previously used the Band-aid brand clear tape in a tape dispenser. It was pretty narrow though and the tape was actually in backwards and we had to dissect the dispenser to turn it around!