Re: Hoping for the perfect mask...
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Posted by Amy C on October 18, 1999 at 18:00:28:
In Reply to: Re: Hoping for the perfect mask... posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 03:17:21:
Catherine, The thin, have-to-be-moving-around-a-lot wrap that I use would definitely keep henna in place through a lot of bending. Just New Skin, then thin paper tape really plastered down on top of it. I rub the tape down over thoroughly dried NS until I can see the design right through, so I know that design is really plastered in place with no room to move around under the tape. This does not squish the design if it is well laminated with NS. Only 2 drawbacks I have found: 1) in a shoe, the thin paper tape gets rubbed enough that it can be worn right through. I use several layers. 2) On a sole, this wrap can bond so well with dead skin that it pulls skin off with it! (Sorry, Mom) I suppose it also goes without saying that you would NOT want this to touch your pubic hair. As for heat, I usually hit this for a good long time with a heating pad or hot pack. A nuked hot pack down the pants (not too hot!) would stay warm long enough for the client to get home & into bed with a heating pad, extra blankets or a warm-blooded pet. I have never had a smearing problem using this method, BUT I did hear from one forum member (in a hot climate) that it resulted in smearing for her, due to sweat. I think in a hot outdoor festival environment. You could also try a piece of Saran wrap cut to just the size of the design and taped around the edges (instead of trying to wrap it all the way around the body). Over the wrap, I mean - to hold in heat. And what about thin paper tape over latex? Has anyone tried that? Might keep it from sticking better than powder. I feel silly giving you advice from such an amateur standpoint, but maybe some of these thoughts will lead you to a solution. P.S. I am over 18 and would love to hear the whole sordid story!