tape rant
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Posted by Amy C on October 19, 1999 at 02:54:15:
In Reply to: Re: Hoping for the perfect mask... posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 18:35:11:
The brand name question brings up a good point. I use 3M "micropore" tape. Perhaps micropore refers to its breathability, and perhaps this is why I don't have a smeary sweat problem. I get it from a hospital supply place, but I believe the same texture tape (if not the same brand) can be purchased at the drug store. It looks sort of like a single ply of toilet paper (that thin, and you can see the fibers in it), but feels more like fabric. Maybe it would even absorb sweat a little? I get my heat factor not from my wrap, but from watever I put over it (warm pack, socks, whatever). This tape is too thin to hold in heat. Since I am holding it now to look at the brand, I will see if it is really breathable. Yes, I can feel the air, warmth and steaminess of my breath if I blow through the tape.