Re: freeman mask
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 07:37:28:
In Reply to: freeman mask posted by susie on October 18, 1999 at 06:31:46:
It seems to work well for some, and not for others. I'm not sure what we're doing differently. For me, it was a real wipe-out. The mask dissolved a fineline henna pattern into orange sluge on one try, on several other tries it simply didn't stay put worth a durn. Started crawling up at the edges within half an hour and then came hopelessly dislodged before the henna had a chance to do it's work. I'd love to see it work well....smells nice, did a great job on my face, but I had really bad results with it on the henna. Some people have done well with it, some poorly...mixed reviews it seems!