Re: freeman mask
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Posted by Roxanne on October 19, 1999 at 05:56:49:
In Reply to: Re: freeman mask posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 07:37:28:
The Freeman mask would have little affect on getting rid of a design. It's better to go with something with Alpha Hydroxy in it. I'll have to actually measure what I did with the lemon/sugar and Freeman mask. I think any peel off mask would work, actually. I did make sure that the henna was crusty dry before I brushed on the mask mixture. Then I brushed on a thin coat mainly on the lines and dried with the hair dryer. The second coat went over most of the design (hair dryer again) and the last coat went over the whole design and about a quarter inch outside of the design. Then I dried again and put gauze and tape over the barely tacky "masked design". I had done small dot designs just below the nail on one client and rather than wrapping her fingers in gauze, I just wrapped a small piece of the micropore tape over the design. (More like a band aid-- I hated to send her home looking like a burn victim!) This seemed to work very well. I've done it on several very different designs in different areas on different skin types. Hope that helps a bit.