Re: St. Ives mask
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 19, 1999 at 06:41:23:
In Reply to: St. Ives mask posted by Anon on October 19, 1999 at 04:41:21:
I think the "fine line" was the problem with the "orange sludge" mask disaster....any mask that is water based is apt to reliquify the henna and potentially destroy it. I had the henna absolutely dry (crusty dry) and did a very thin mask. With the fine lines, I couldn't get the mask dry fast enough to beat the moooosh factor. I tried the St. Ives too...same problems.. Oh....if you try overnight boobie henna, and just use NS to seal it,problems occur. If you sleep on your side and your boobies settle together doing the cleavage thing, the henna leaks through the NS and stains the other boob. Not in a very attractive pattern either.