Re: Freezing Henna....please explain!
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Posted by Kenzi on October 21, 1999 at 00:16:12:
In Reply to: Re: Freezing Henna. posted by Roxanne on October 20, 1999 at 23:38:00:
: I made a great batch of paste earlier in the month. I couldn't use : it all at that time, so I put it in a little tupperware container : (tightly sealed) and froze it. A couple weeks later, I thawed it in : the microwave for about a minute and a half, spooned it into my : squeeze bottle and started decorating. Still strong and smelled : fine. The designs came out wonderfully. I froze what was left again : and used it last week and it was still fine. So, I've had great : results freezing leftover batches. : Good luck! Can someone out there (CCJ?) explain why freezing doesn't have an effect on the longevity of the henna stain, but using fresh henna more than 3-4 days old results in a lighter stain? What's going on there chemically? Wouldn't the acid in the lemon have its way with the hennatannins regardless of the temperature of the henna? Don't the hennatannins get "activated" in the first 24-48 hours? I have never tried freezing my henna paste but would love to be able to rely on this, I just need a practical explanation to be convinced.;-)