Re: Freezing Henna....please explain!
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 21, 1999 at 14:06:55:
In Reply to: Re: Freezing Henna....please explain! posted by Kenzi on October 21, 1999 at 00:16:12:
You have to get it airless and into the freezer before the little hennotannins get done with their reaction. The dye release is speeded up with heat....and deterred with extreme cold. Lots of chemical processes will slow down or stop at freezing. Results of freezing have been less than thrilling for me, but I use frozen and thawed henna for my classes. I make up henna so frequently, I just fill cones as soon as it's ready, and throw them in the freezer if they're not used. I go through up to 50 cones of henna a week doing my henna lectures...I like to make sure every student has a cone of henna to play with at the end of class, and enough to take home and work on other members of the family. It does seem helpful to freeze the henna in cones, as contact with air in the freezer seems to effect the quality, and freezing takes place more quickly in cones rather than butter tubs. I won't use frozen henna on private clients, but it seems ok for students.