broadening Melissa's horizons
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Posted by leela on October 25, 1999 at 18:45:09:
In Reply to: Broadening Melissa's Horizons ( I hope ) posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 24, 1999 at 02:23:45:
The experiences of schoolchildren you describe are quite true. The experience is probably worse for boys. I can relate to this through my two sons. We make trips to India every two-three years or so. The first time my oldest came with us he was five. He got caught up in the excitement of henna in the house and had both his hands and feet dyed, nails and all. When we came back he was ridiculed in kindergarten and used to cry once in a while, since his fingernails stayed dyed for several months (this was the early nineties). We have made two trips since then with him, but he makes sure to have only his palms done and make sure they wear out before coming back, never the fingernails(but he will still do toenails). My younger son took a lot of convincing to try henna just once, on a trip to India. We were there on a long trip (four months) so it wore off before we got back. I am not sure if he will try it again (although my oldest will). My niece, an eight year old, goes to a school in India where a lot of American kids (of Indian origin)board. She tells me that all the girls, and most of the boys, will try henna on their hands and fingernails to "fit in" or "just for the experience". It all depends on the environment you are in I suppose, because these kids (especially the boys)would never henna their fingernails in America!