Re: broadening Melissa's horizons
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Posted by Anne on October 26, 1999 at 20:20:02:
In Reply to: broadening Melissa's horizons posted by leela on October 25, 1999 at 18:45:09:
: The experiences of schoolchildren you describe are quite true. The : experience is probably worse for boys. When I did the henna demo for the 4th graders, I didn't notice much of a difference between the boys and the girls - all of them wanted it. Of coure, they'd been studying India and had seen me with henna all over my hands on and off throughout the year. And the fake sticker tattoos were all the rage for the elementary school set - I'm sure that helped interest. But when I did the library workshop, no boys showed up. A few had signed up, and one even showed up, but backed out at the last minute when he saw all the girls. I don't know if it was middle school nerves about girls or what, but I'm sure unfavorable peer pressure played a part. I should be doing my student teaching in a middle school, and I will probably have henna on under my brace; I'm sure someone will notice it. I should be interesting to see how older kids react. --Anne