Another sifter alternative...
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Posted by Shel on October 25, 1999 at 19:59:05:
In Reply to: thanks everyone!! posted by mimi on October 25, 1999 at 15:27:18:
I got the idea from the discriptions of ones posted here. I don't usually use a large amount of henna at a time (Anymore than enought for my hands and feet goes to waste around here) so I needed a smaller sifter. Two small baby food jars, glue the lids together, cut the center of the lids out to form a large hole. You can then put your henna powder in one of the jars, screw the lids on the jar put a piece of nylons (or whatever your using as a screen to filter through) over the other jar and screw the lids into place over top of it. Then shake vigerousely. It works great for smaller amounts of henna, and joy of joys, no fine powder floating in the air to inhale. The other advantage over the method I had been using is that you can see how much of the powder has filtered through, so you can tell when you've gotten it all sifted. Hope this helps!