Re: Honey
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Posted by SeeSee on October 25, 1999 at 23:31:13:
In Reply to: Delighted to help! posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 25, 1999 at 15:38:31:
I've tried honey lately and I find it's interfering with my staining process. I tried my standard recipe and included honey, left the mud on overnight and got NO stain, not even a ghost. Next day I used the same henna and other ingredients but left out the honey-everything worked out fine. Maybe there is something in my particular brand of pasteurized store-bought honey that is interfering with my reaction....like an excess of proteins that are binding up the hennotannins. It's too bad really because the honey provides a wonderful texture.
- Re: Honey Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:58:37 10/26/99
- Re: Honey Shanon Lavender 10:08:30 10/26/99
- Re: Honey Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:06:14 10/26/99