Mehndi as good luck
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Posted by MyST on October 27, 1999 at 19:02:42:
I was told on Thursday of last week that my Aunt was admitted to the hospital in liver failure. This poor aunt only has 1 kidney, which I now hear is starting to go as a result of the liver problems, clotting problems, and her 1st stage pneumonia. She needs a liver transplant. However, when she found out she had liver disease, she didn't tell anyone. Shocked, my mom has been in charge of her case, next of kin and all, and I guess her and my dad went to the hospital today at about 11am PST. I just hope their "councelling session" with Aunt Mel's doctors goes well. As soon as I found out about this terrible situation the first thing I thought of was when someone from this list said they had used henna in the past to remember someone who had passed on. I thought, why not use it to pay tribute and bring luck to my Aunt, hey at this point I'm willing to try anything. Any little hope helps. She's a Virgo, so I searched around on the net and found her astrological sign. I hennaed it on my right hand, just below the base of my thumb. I also hennaed it on my left wrist. Around my left wrist I placed carnations...and intertwined them with the Virgo sign. This is supposed to give LUCK. Do you guys know of any other symbols of recovery, luck, health, strength?????????????? I even put a little virgo on Frank's hand when he was laying with his arms around me to comfort me last night. Any suggestions, please email me at Thanks! MyST