bunnies (mostly OT)
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 27, 1999 at 20:39:10:
In Reply to: Re: Designs? Household pets & safety? posted by lisa on October 27, 1999 at 17:58:51:
Thank you so much for the bunny rant! I don't know much about bunnies , except that they seem dear, and the one we once had was deeply beloved by the household Peruvian guinea pig, Vyvvyan. Our bunny, Elizabeth, was foul-tempered and truculent until she buggered off to consort with the wylde local bunnies, and there were wylde Elizabeth - like bunnies for a few years among the suburban cottontails. This was way before there were henna cones packing all the corners of the household freezer..... My fondest memories of Elizabeth and Vyvvyan are that they lept into the vast bowls of popcorn that were prepared for the evening soires in honor of Sesame Street a couple of decades ago..... our children loved their varmits, Sesame Street and popcorn..... and by familiarity with all, they are literate, kind, and fond of salted carbohydrates.