Re: bunnies (mostly OT)
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Posted by lisa on October 27, 1999 at 20:55:18:
In Reply to: bunnies (mostly OT) posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 27, 1999 at 20:39:10:
Ah, bunnies. I could rant on forever about them, but I won't. I am the proud mom of three bunnies : Winston, our 7.5 yr old sweet cinnamon Jersey Wooley; Flash, the 4 yr old evil Himalayan dwarf; and Max, our almost 2 year old pain in the butt black mix. All are rescues, and were real snuggle bunnies until last week. Winter hormones are still prevalent in the just neutered Max, so he's been trying to beat Winston up. *sigh* I always have to be careful to pick bits of dried paste off of the carpet, because I never know when they're going to pick it up and eat it. Bunnies have this primal urge to stick anything and everything in their mouths to check it out (much like toddlers.)