Re: pomegranate syrup
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 28, 1999 at 14:26:19:
In Reply to: pomegranate syrup posted by Roxanne on October 27, 1999 at 22:41:46:
The chicken thing sounds fantastic! Can I have dinner at your house? Matty Jankowski used Grenadine Syrup in his paste, that was the way he was shown by a Pakistani woman. I used to keep some in the house for henna mixing, but it kept dissappearing inside children who were fond of sweets. As pomegranite husks are a dyestuff, I had thought that it might improve the color of henna, but it doesn't; its just good for texture. Generally, more learning in henna is certainly better.....the more variations you know about wrapping, paste-making, all of that, the more you can fine tune your henna to every crop, every body part, every condition for the best results. There is no one way do do henna. There are a vast number of ways, each of which is best for some specific situation.