A little Rudaki, mid 900's
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 29, 1999 at 03:46:07:
In Reply to: Re: Pathan Poetry 17th c., and foregoing henna when dumped... posted by Jewel on October 29, 1999 at 01:43:45:
Rudaki, writing mid 900's in Samarkand (Transoxiana Empire) wrote some yummy henna poetry...... from "Spring" translated by Geoffery Squires: "The Winter world was sick bt now the scent of jasmine has revived it; rain falls, smelling of musk, stripping the earth of its white covering; the frozen treasure opens into flower and dry streams flow. In the distance, the desert tulip gleams like a gride' s finger dyed with henna; the nightengale is singing in the willow, the pigeon in the cypress' strange melodies, answering, familiar. Now is the time to drink and be alive for now lover and lover give happiness one to another." Also translated by Geoffrey Squires "Prayer" "The face is turned to Mecca but what's the use? the heart goes out to Bokhara and to the stately ladies there. God will accept the whisperings of love and ingore the prayer..." Theres a magnificent avalance of love and henna poetry in Medieval Islam.... some of it really takes your breath away!