EXQUISITE, Catherine !!
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Posted by Jewel on October 29, 1999 at 14:03:35:
In Reply to: A little Rudaki, mid 900's posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 29, 1999 at 03:46:07:
That is absolutely WONDERFUL !!! The poem accurately reflects the way I felt when I first met my fiance :-) .... at a time when I've lost all hope on love *smile* .... Thank you !! ~Jewel~ - who will now be on a lookout for such beautiful poems :-) : Rudaki, writing mid 900's in Samarkand (Transoxiana Empire) wrote some : yummy henna poetry......
: from "Spring" translated by Geoffery Squires: : "The Winter world was sick : bt now the scent of jasmine has revived it; : rain falls, smelling of musk, : stripping the earth of its white covering; : the frozen treasure opens into flower : and dry streams flow. : In the distance, the desert tulip gleams : like a gride' : s finger dyed with henna; : the nightengale is singing in the willow, : the pigeon in the cypress' : strange melodies, : answering, : familiar. : Now is the time to drink and be alive : for now lover and lover : give happiness : one to another." : Also translated by Geoffrey Squires : "Prayer" : "The face is turned to Mecca : but what's the use? : the heart goes out to Bokhara : and to the stately ladies there. : God will accept the whisperings of love : and ingore the prayer..."
: : Theres a magnificent avalance of love and henna poetry in Medieval : Islam.... some of it really takes your breath away!