That's great !!
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Posted by Jewel on October 29, 1999 at 13:54:19:
In Reply to: Psychic Faire--thanks Catherine!! :) posted by Tamar on October 29, 1999 at 13:06:02:
Good for you Tamar (BTW : you have a very pretty name :-)) !! I'm glad you had that experience. As for me, I have no luck so far. The only people I've hennaed are myself, my mom, my sister, my cousins and MYSELF and of course, it's all for free (not that I minded anyway, I had lots of fun doing it). I'd love to start doing that in a small scale tho' (don't think I could handle all the pressure - from all that pressing AND the people). Thanks to "Mother Henna" Catherine (for her Business rant) :-) I've had an idea how to start (tho' I don't know if I could handle it *chuckle*). I'd LOVE to hear first time experience from anybody. AND ... I've heard of a "Henna body decorating" demonstration tomorrow at the local MPH. Thought I'd make the trip there. Wonder if they mind me sticking around watching them all day and asking them questions or even trying it myself .... Anybody has any comments/experience on that ? Like having a certain enthusiastic henna nut hovering around you all day while you do your thing, do you mind it ? Peace ~Jewel~ - the certain enthusiastic henna junkie