Scar Tissue That I Wish You Saw...
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Posted by Giselle DeJesus on October 31, 1999 at 07:25:14:
(Credit to Red Hot Chili Peppers on my Subject Title...) Hello hello! I've got a funktified question for ya'll. Recently I've had surgery and my skin broke out into horrifying blisters from the Steri-Strips that was left over the scar. I've never had a reaction to Steri-Strips before (which is basically paper tape, I think), and my Dr. told me that the configuration of the post-surgical skin may have changed enough to have a sensitivity to the strips. I've also had radiation done on the same patch of skin... (I don't recommend cancer in any form to anybody... :) ) This makes me wonder if Henna could have the same effect on that patch of skin. Of the wizened bunch of you, have any of you had problems with scar tissue, and/or has the henna stained differently on such areas of the body? I would like to know for when I do henna on others and myself (seeing as I come across radiated scar tissue SOOOO often). Until then, I won't be touching my own scar tissue with Mehndi...