Re: A little something to share with my friends ...
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Posted by lisa on November 01, 1999 at 21:23:02:
In Reply to: A little something to share with my friends ... posted by Jewel on October 31, 1999 at 01:52:05:
Congratulations! When I tried my first mehndi about a month ago, I decided to try to touch up the wristlet on my right hand, and I was surprised by the results! I did a small Arabic patterns on my right hand a couple of days ago, and it looks great. In fact, my lines with my left tend to be smoother than the lines I do with my right, too. I think it's that concentration thing. (and considering that my drawing ability is not the greatest...) Oh, and Catherine, I wanted to thank you for encouraging everyone to freehand. I am a really crappy artist, but the positive feedback that I've been seeing about freehanding encouraged me to take the plunge. I started out by copying designs without using transfers, and when I saw that they didn't suck, I took the plunge and did my own design last week. I'm feeling pretty good now, because I've always considered myself to be a drawing dork. (Just don't ask me to do something complicated in mehndi, like the Last Supper. :))