not happy
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Posted by Jamie on November 01, 1999 at 22:27:51:
First of all, I am a little displeased by the responses of people who say things like "you got what you deserved" to people who have posted messages about adverse effects from black henna. Hey, we all make mistakes. I too am one of those people who really had no idea about the risks of the ingredients of black henna. I recently was visiting VENICE BEACH with my volleyball team and about 10 of us received henna tatoos. There was no list of ingredients, no posted warnings, only the word 'henna'. That is very misleading as henna is natural, whereas the additional ingredients are not. Four of us are experiencing a rash, itchiness, and who knows what else is in store for us. I am more mad at myself for being stupid and not researching this before I jumped into it, but the damage is done (literally). We are going to the doctor tomorrow to get something to try to prevent any long term damage to our skin. I am disgusted that there are people out there who are using these products without informing the customers of the potential risks. All for a quick buck...