Re: Henna & Wax
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 02, 1999 at 19:37:21:
In Reply to: Henna & Wax posted by Tracy Stewart on November 02, 1999 at 15:53:50:
It works wonderfully! it's the only way I know to get a beautiful pale pattern in the middle of a really dark henna area. It is best used when you have gritty henna that that will give you a good color when you pile the paste on thick. Heat your parrafin in a little potpourri electric crock, and brush it on in your skin in little patterns, as if you were doing batik. Thicker is better than thinner. I like fine Japanese brushes for this job. It's not for the pain intolerant. It feels like hot pizza cheese. When you are satisfied with your wax pattern, and are sure its going to stay put, slather on the henna paste. Let it dry a little, but it doesn't have to dry all the way. Wrap your henna down with gauze. Leave it several hours or overnight. Where is it prettiest? Little white stars on deep red-black dipped fingertips. Little white khamsa cruciforms and Ishtar stars on the soles of feet, with the rest of the foot dipped up to the toes, like a beautiful red slipper. At its best, it's like ivory inlay in deep burgundy color. Rajasthan, Yemen and Iran all do the wax thing sometimes. It goes a damn sight faster than tape. It's the best thing you can do with henna that is gritty, unsiftable spackle.