Re: comments from strangers
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Posted by Tarifa on November 04, 1999 at 04:42:23:
In Reply to: Re: comments from strangers posted by Kenzi on October 27, 1999 at 04:41:08:
Most of the comments that I have gotten are like : "What is *that*?" Though on occacion I get: "What did you do to yourself?" To these I answer: "It's henna." And suddenly we see a huge light-bulb turn on! Occasionally they don't know what I am talking about when I say that and I go into a more detailed discription: "It's a temporary dye from a plant." Sometimes adding the origion of mehndi if they seem interested. I have found that people are just not used to seeing it! I go to both a vocational school (Job Corps if you're familiar w/it) and college. Until reciently I lived in the dorms *at* the vocational school. After three weeks of applying mehndi to both myself and about 10 others, no one (out of the 150 students and 50 staff) were phased! I have gotten rude comments only once, and I about smacked him....Can we say go back to kindergarden and learn some manners?!?!?! I personally avoid using the word "tatoo" because I know that some people take offence to it as well as the fact that if you say "tatoo" people think that it envolves needles. In applying the henna we don't penetrate the skin. I feel that "dye" gets the point across without any confusion or hurt feelings.