Re: comments from strangers
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Posted by Kenzi on October 27, 1999 at 04:41:08:
In Reply to: comments from strangers posted by mimi on October 27, 1999 at 04:30:15:
Wow....I almost never get that reaction from people. Most people are curious, asking questions about it, who did it, how it's done etc. Once when I was in a store the cashier (an older Korean woman) was shocked to see my hands and thought it was a disease. I explained to her that it's like a tattoo....she calmed down but didn't ask more. I work at a law firm, a very conservative law firm and one of the attorneys I was talking to was dumbstruck with his eyes fixed on my hennaed hands. He didn't say anything but the unspoken questions whizzing through his brain had obviously struck him speechless (a speechless attorney...can it be?!). That doesn't really help you though does it? What do you tell people when they ask you about it? Maybe you could try putting into words they can associate with, like "tattoo". And then if they ask for more information you can tell them about henna. If that doesn't work, just keep wearing it to work and hopefully they will get used to it. Then offer to henna the ones who are interested so that other co-workers see more of it and get used to it. Good luck!